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My philosophy of nursing is simple: serve everyone at any time.  When I began nursing school, I had a very narrow and close minded view of the definition of nursing.  Although sometimes difficult, I have learned many lessons through experiences with patients that have shaped me into the nurse I am today.  Nursing isn't always as exciting and glamorous as it is portrayed on television.  Sometimes, the most rewarding experiences are found in unlikely places such as a rural clinic or mental health facility.  A clinical instructor once told me, "Nursing isn't only about the patients.  It's about learning about yourself as well."  I take this advice with me whenever I enter the workplace, and I strive to learn something from each and every patient I have the opportunity to serve.  I believe in holistic nursing.  Treating the emotional stability of a sick child's sibling is equally as important as treating the disease process of the patient.  Every shift is a new challenge, but this is what differentiates nursing from any other profession.  Every time I walk into the workplace, I am given the opportunity to grow both as a nurse and as a person.  I was born to be a nurse, and I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else.  










Short Term:

1. Gain licensure and obtain a position as a Registered Nurse

2. Build relationships with every patient and keep a journal documenting my first year as a new nurse 

3. Seek opportunities to help in the community, especially to those lacking in resources


Long Term:

1. Gain specialized certification 

2. Travel, and use my nursing knowledge to help those in improvished areas around the world

3. Become a clinical instructor in order to instill knowledge on new nursing students 

4. Be involved in research and continue to broaden my knowledge through continuing education

5. Obtain a Master's Degree and become a Nurse Practitioner 


My first "patient" circa 1993

First IV, Spring 2013

Ecuador, 2014

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